Journalism Internship

wiplogoBased in Monterey, California, The Women’s International Perspective, Inc. (The WIP) is the global source for women’s perspectives. The WIP reports news, world opinion, and commentary through our Feature Articles, Byline Portal, Current Headlines, and community blog. Our mission is to provide quality articles from the unique perspectives of women, accessible worldwide, and free to readers.

Our internships provide the opportunity for women and men interested in international media to gain hands-on experience in the everyday workings of our publication.

The WIP is a balanced media source that promotes diversity. We are not associated with any religious, political, or cultural affiliation. As a worldwide collective of women writers, The WIP is an opportunity to balance the tremendous under-representation of women journalists and offer a greater diversity of background and opinion than typically found in mainstream publications. The WIP strives to bring together divergent cultures, opinions, and ideas in solution-based dialog.

The WIP recognizes our global interconnectedness. Our feature articles offer a more humanistic and contextual view than traditional news stories. They are concerned with the human cost of global policy and the impact of events as they unfold.

The WIP honors underrepresented voices – we honor women, we honor the indigenous, we honor the poor. We honor the personal and the invisible – the stories that don’t get press. The WIP honors the freedom that is the gift that comes with the open exchange of ideas, analysis, and opinion.


Working journalist. Emerging writer. Talented student. We are always eager to find and support strong and unique voices.

The WIP wants to hear from writers that can report and share local and world events. We value personal news stories from our writers’ daily lives. We seek the global news that can reach far beyond any border.

Below is our criteria for considering new submissions:

Local Stories with Global Significance
Our stories must have global reach and appeal to a wide variety of readers.

Personal Perspectives
Our best stories offer compelling personal perspectives that help frame the issues discussed. By using personal perspectives as a way to introduce global issues, our readers are able to connect with the story and understand how we are all inter-connected. This also includes quotes and commentary from experts, leaders in the field, activists and stake-holders.

Topical Variety
We seek a wide variety of topics to be published in our sections: Arts & Culture, Economy, Education, Politics, Science, Technology and The World.

Quality Analysis
We strive to offer the “story behind the story” that gives our readers the context behind the news bites favored in mainstream media. We want to help our readers understand the complexities behind global events and issues.

Exceptional Journalism
We hope to set The WIP’s brand of journalism apart from that which is published in mainstream media by offering powerful, compelling and factually solvent feature articles.

Factual Solvency
We publish fact-based editorials – our stories combine hard data (facts, statistics, etc.) to support the article’s main thesis with personal perspectives. Fact-based editorials must provide references for each factual assertion, either as a footnote or as an inserted link in parenthesis after each fact listed. This allows our fact-checker to quickly and efficiently verify the facts in your article.

We highly encourage that you submit a detailed pitch to us before submitting a complete article for our consideration. Each pitch should be between 100-200 words, listing the issue(s) to be covered, the article’s main thesis or assertion, facts to be used that will support your thesis, and the personal perspective(s) that you will use to frame the issue – including a list of the people you will interview (experts, activists, stake-holders, etc.).
Simply put, The WIP seeks quality writing that will:

• provide rich and diverse opinions
• illuminate the issues
• generate quality debate
• enhance human interaction
The WIP’s editorial team strongly encourages interested writers to read our exclusive articles before submitting to become familiar with our style and what we look for in our featured articles.

So let us hear from you. Please submit the following documents:

1. Cover Letter that clearly identifies your areas of interest and how you envision contributing
to The WIP.
2. Resume or Curriculum Vitae, including a list of publications. Even if you have not yet been published, we still encourage you to submit.
3. Analytic or Opinion Pieces, previously unpublished, 750-1500 words in length and fitting into any of our sections. Longer pieces will be considered and if published, may be published as a multi-part series. All factual and/or reference sources used by the writer must be documented and submitted with the piece.
4. Be sure to label each document clearly with your first name, last name, and country of residence. All documents should be sent in one of the following file formats:

• .rtf (Rich Text Format)
• .doc (Microsoft Word)
• .txt (Text)
Currently, we can only accept articles written in English. In the future, we will be able to accept and publish pieces written in many different languages.

We look forward to reading your unique, courageous, and challenging work! All submissions will be acknowledged within 3 business days.

To learn more about The WIP style or to submit your work, please contact:

Sarah at submissions<at>
Or call +1 831 644 0116

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